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姓   名:梅 雪


职   称:教授

通信地址:南京市浦口区浦珠南路30号 600全讯白菜最新版 600全讯白菜网址大全(78信箱)

邮   编: 211816

联系电话: 025-83587360

传  真: 025-58139512

E-mail: mx@njtech.edu.cn


1994.9 - 1998.7,哈尔滨工业大学工业电气自动化专业,获学士学位.

2001.9 - 2004.3,东南大学模式识别与智能系统专业,获硕士学位.

2004.3 - 2008.6,东南大学模式识别与智能系统专业,获博士学位.


²  图像处理与分析:脑部fMRI图像分析与识别、医学图像分割、重建及识别;

²  智能视频监控系统处理与分析:监控系统人体行为识别、视频雨雾清晰化方法及其软硬件开发;

²  机器视觉检测:在线图像分析、检测及高精度尺寸测量方法研究,工业现场视觉检测嵌入式系统的设计与开发.

²  目标特征提取与选择:借鉴人类视觉感知特性,研究相似目标特征提取与选择方法,及其在工业、医学图像识别等领域的应用.

四、 科研项目

²  视频监控系统雨雾清晰化模块设计与开发,企业产学研合作.(2015-2016),项目负责人.

²  旋转机械监测仪单通道信号处理及识别系统,企业产学研合作.(2013-2015),项目负责人.

²  美元纸币识别清分快速算法及软件(2013-2014), 项目负责人.

²  江苏省博士后科研资助计划:智能视频监控系统中人体为识别方法研究(1001027B, 2010-2012),主持人.

²  江苏省高校自然科学基金项目:视觉感知启发下基于多尺度几何特征的相似目标识 (09KJB510002,2009-2011),主持人.

²  国家自然科学基金项目:基于小波变换的特征提取和选择及其在模式识别中的应用(60805002,2009-2011),主要参加人.

²  江苏省六大人才高峰项目:多目移动机器人关键技术研究(07E024,2007-2009),主要参加人.

²  国内科技合作与长三角联合攻关项目:基于MASF的视频目标检测、跟踪与运动分析的关键技术研究(2005E60007, 2005-2007),参加人.


²  Mei Xue, Yuan Xiaolong, Huang Jiashuang, Ma Shilin. “Separation of single-channel mixed signals based on the frequency-division of a convolution-type wavelet packet”. 2015CCDC, Qingdao,China,2015.

²  黄嘉爽,梅雪,袁晓龙,李振华.脑功能网络的fMRI特征提取及脑部疾病机器识别.智能系统学报,2015,10(2):248-254.

²  袁晓龙,梅雪,黄嘉爽,杨骥.基于随机森林算法的特征选择及在fMRI数据中的应用.微电子学与计算机, 2014,31(8):132-135.

²  Mei Xue, Li Zhenhua, Xu Songsong, Guo Xiaoyan.Registration of the cone beam CT and blue-ray scanned dental model based on the improved ICP algorithm[J]. Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2014, 2014:1.

²  梅雪,胡石,许松松,张继法.基于多尺度特征的双层隐马尔科夫模型及其在行为识别中的应用.智能系统学报, 2012,7(6):132-135.

²  梅雪,张继法,许松松,巩建鸣.分级特征提取与选择及在自动目标识别系统中的应用.遥感技术与应用, 2012,27(5):712-715.

²  梅雪,夏良正.Contourlet域目标不变特征提取.计算机科学, 2010, 37(11): 275-277.

²  Mei Xue, Lin Jinguo, Xia Liangzheng. Synergetic Pattern recognition Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,The 27th China Control Conference, Kunming,China, 2008, 505-508. 

²  梅雪, 李久贤, 夏良正. 基于contourlet变换的加权小波特征抽取算法. 数据采集与处理, 2008,23(1):23-27. (EI)

²  梅雪, 夏良正, 李久贤. 一种基于变分水平集的红外图像分割算法. 电子与信息学报,2008,30(7):1700-1703.

²  梅雪, 李久贤, 夏良正. 改进的contourlet变换域隐马尔可夫树模型. 电路与系统学报, 2008,13(4):65-70.

²  梅雪, 林锦国, 夏良正. 逐层迭代的多尺度水平集红外图像分割算法.东南大学学报,2008,12(Sup):96-100.

²  Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Li Jiuxian. A contourlet-based method for wavelet neural network automatic target recognition. International Symposium in Advance Neural Networks, Nanjing, China, 2007, 889-895. (EI/ISTP)

²  Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Lin Jinguo. Infrared image object recognition based on invariant contourlet sub-band features. SPIE International Symposium on MIPPR, SPIE Bellingham, Wuhan, China, 2007, 67861N-1~67861N-7. (EI/ISTP)

²  Mei Xue, Lin Jinguo, Zhang Liu, Xia Liangzheng. Infrared image segmentation algorithm based on improved variational level set model. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA). Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2007, 489-495. (EI/ISTP)

²  Mei Xue, Yao Jing, Lin Jinguo, Xia Liangzheng. Similar image recognition by edge wavelet moment and support vector machimes. Proceeding of the International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, Huhehot, Inner Mongolia, China, 2006, 1073-1076. (SCI/ISTP)

²  梅雪, 夏良正, 李久贤,袁晓辉. 一种三维场景的消失点检测算法. 信号处理, 2007, 23(6):924-927.


²   一种基于张量分解的fMRI特征提取与识别方法.2015, 201510133021.5. 排名第一.

²   fMRI动态脑功能子网络构建及并联SVM加权识别方法.2015, 201510133022.X.排名第一.

²   一种基于自适应熵投影聚类算法的fMRI特征提取与分类方法.2015, 201510132205.X. 排名第一.

²   具有可调角度和位置反射镜面的多光谱图像融合手术导航系统及方法.201310336253.1.排名第一.

²   基于具有触觉功能测量笔的自动三维视觉测量系统, 2012, CN201010616643.0. 排名第二.

²   顶端嵌入微距传感器的自动触发式测量笔, 2012, CN201010610070.8. 排名第二











Mei Xue

Nanjing University of Technology

Nanjing, China, 210009



Research Interests: Image Processing and Analysis, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, etc.


Doctor of Science in Engineering, July 2008

Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System

College of Automation, Southeast University

Nanjing, China

Master of Science in Engineering, March 2004

Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System

College of Automation, Southeast University

Nanjing, China

Bachelor of Science in Engineering, June 1998

Department of Electrical Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology,

Harbin, China


·         Visual Detection

·         Intelligent Visual Servillence

·         Image Feature Extraction and Selection


·         Visual perception inspired image multiscale feature extraction and selection,High School Natural Science Foundation Project of Jiangsu under Grant 09KJB510002, Jiangsu Province, China (2009-2011).

·         Project of Young Teacher Subject Foundation under Grant of Nanjing University of Technology (2009-2010).

·         National Natural Science Foundation Project under Grant 60805002,China (2009-2012)

·         The Six Summit Talents Project of Jiangsu under Grant 07E024, Jiangsu Province, China (2007-2009).

·         Project of Yang-Zi Delta Integration under Grant 2005E60007, Zhejiang Province, China (2005-2007).


Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Li Jiuxian “A segmentation algorithm of infrared image based on variational formulation level set model”, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology.2008, 30(7):1700-1703. (in Chinese)

Mei Xue, Li Jiuxian, Xia Liangzheng, “Improved contourlet-domain hidden markov tree models”,  Journal of Circuits & Systems. 2008, 13(4): 65-70. (in Chinese)

Mei Xue, Li Jiuxian, Xia Liangzheng , “An weighted wavelet feature extraction algorithm based on contourlet transform”, Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing. 2008, 23(1): 23-27. (in Chinese)

Mei Xue, Li Jiuxian, Xia Liangzheng. “Infrared Image Multiscale Level Set Segmentation Algorithm Using Iterative Tier-by-Tier”, Journal of Southeast University(Natural Science Edition). 2008, 38 (Sup): 96-100. (in Chinese)

Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Li Jiuxian, “A vanishing point detection algorithm for 3D scene”, Signal Processing. 2007, 23(6):924-927. (in Chinese)

Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Li Jiuxian. “A contourlet-based method for wavelet neural network automatic target recognition”. Advances in Neural Networks-ISNN2007, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Mei Xue, Yao Jing, Lin Jinguo, and Xia Liangzheng. “Similar image recognition by edge wavelet moment and support vector machines”. Proceeding of the International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, hohhot, China, 2006.

Mei Xue, Lin Jinguo, Zhang Liu, and Xia Liangzheng. “Infrared image segmentation algorithm based on improved variational level set model”. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, 2007.

Mei Xue, Xia Liangzheng, Lin Jinguo. “Infrared image object recognition based on invariant contourlet sub-band features”. SPIE Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Wuhan, China, 2007.


Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, China.

Teaches Courses

·         Theory of Pattern Recognition, 2005~

·         Theory of Automation Control, 2002~

·         Smart Home System, 2013~

·         Digital Image Processing, 2004~2010

·         C++ Language, 2001~2003